Alessandro Michele — Transformation in Fashion 25 Jahre Erfahrung

••Recent­ly a group of us from across the glo­bal fashion indus­try, from CEOs to buy­ers and crea­ti­ve direc­tors, came tog­e­ther in a series of con­ver­sa­ti­ons with a shared visi­on; to dis­cuss ways in which our busi­ness needs to transform.•We agreed that the cur­rent envi­ron­ment alt­hough chal­len­ging, pres­ents an oppor­tu­ni­ty for a fun­da­men­tal and wel­co­me chan­ge that will sim­pli­fy our busi­nesses, making them more envi­ron­men­tal­ly and soci­al­ly sus­tainable and ulti­m­ate­ly ali­gn them more clo­se­ly with cus­to­mers’ needs.•We hope to achie­ve this by adjus­ting the sea­so­na­li­ty and flow of both womens­wear and mens­wear goods, start­ing with the Autumn/Winter 2020 season:•Put the Autumn/Winter sea­son back in win­ter (August/January) and Spring/Summer sea­son back in sum­mer (February/July)–Create a more balan­ced flow of deli­veries through the sea­son to pro­vi­de new­ness but also time for pro­ducts to crea­te desire–Discount at the end of the sea­son in order to allow for more full-pri­ce sel­ling – Janu­ary for Autumn/Winter and July for Spring/Summer•

•We will also work to increase sus­taina­bi­li­ty throug­hout the sup­p­ly chain and sales calen­dar through:•Less unneces­sa­ry product–Less was­te in fabrics and inventory–Less travel•Make use of digi­tal show­rooms in addi­ti­on to per­so­nal crea­ti­ve interactions–Review and adapt fashion shows•Working tog­e­ther, we hope the­se steps will allow our indus­try to beco­me more respon­si­ble for our impact on our cus­to­mers, on the pla­net and on the fashion com­mu­ni­ty, and bring back the magic and crea­ti­vi­ty that has made fashion such an important part of our world.•


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